Salam and Hi,
my hubby got the Celcom broadband
and it's still slow in downloading
hopefully our college broadband will be ok
so without any futher complaining
enjoy my recent works..

she is so sweet like an apple and flower too
Kelly's Apple Farm by Happy Scrap Girl Designs

Game on! kit by Scrapshana

my happy mia
Tickle Me Happy kit by erika zane

here is my big boy !
Game on! kit by Scrapshana
thanks for coming and enjoy the rainy season :)
oh so cold here
my hubby got the Celcom broadband
and it's still slow in downloading
hopefully our college broadband will be ok
so without any futher complaining
enjoy my recent works..

she is so sweet like an apple and flower too
Kelly's Apple Farm by Happy Scrap Girl Designs

Game on! kit by Scrapshana

my happy mia
Tickle Me Happy kit by erika zane

here is my big boy !
Game on! kit by Scrapshana
thanks for coming and enjoy the rainy season :)
oh so cold here