Monday, January 3, 2011

Photo Therapy :) such a fun fact to share

Salam :)

i am actively blogging
i hope i can journal about...almost anything
that came through my mind
i accidentally tweet about
'photo therapy'
as usual i googled about it
and there is !!!

PhotoTherapy techniques are therapy practices that use people's personal snapshots, family albums, and pictures taken by others (and the feelings, thoughts, memories, and associations these photos evoke) as catalysts to deepen insight and enhance communication during their therapy or counseling sessions (conducted by trained mental health professionals), in ways not possible using words alone. (Photo Art Therapy techniques are art therapypractices based on a specialized adaptation of PhotoTherapy techniques that are used onlyby those with postgraduate training in Art Therapy).

Therapeutic Photography techniques are photographic practices done by people themselves (or helpers) in situations where the skills of a trained therapist or counselor are not needed, to increase their own self-knowledge and awareness, improve family and other relationships, activate positive social change and reduce social exclusion, strengthen communities, deepen intercultural relations, reduce conflict, bring attention to issues of social injustice, sharpen visual literacy skills, enhance education, promote well-being, expand qualitative research and prevention methodologies, and produce other kinds of photo-based healing and learning.

* Not limited to "paper photographs", these techniques can be used with any kind of photographic imagery, both still and moving -- including applications in VideoTherapy, Video Art Therapy, and/or Therapeutic Videography work, digital photos, cell phone pictures, DVDs, films -- as well as newer technologies yet to be invented...

original content is here

Each of the five PhotoTherapy techniques is directly related to the various relationships possible between person and camera (or, person and photograph) -- although in practice, these categories often naturally overlap:

1) Photos which have been taken or created by the client (whether actually using a camera to make the picture, or "taking" (appropriating) other people's images through gathering "found" photos from magazines, postcards, Internet images, digital manipulation, and so forth),

2) Photos which have been taken of the client by other people (whether posed on purpose or taken spontaneously while the person was unaware of being photographed -- but where people other than the client have made all the decisions about timing, content, location, and so forth),

3) Self-portraits, which means any kind of photos that clients have made of themselves, either literally or metaphorically (but where in all cases they themselves had total control and power over all aspects of the image's creation),

4) Family album and other photo-biographical collections (whether of birth family or family of choice; whether formally kept in albums or more "loosely" combined into narratives by placement on walls or refrigerator doors, inside wallets or desktop frames, into computer screens or family websites, and so forth) -- which were put together for the purpose of documenting the personal narrative of the client's life and the background from which they developed. Such albums have a "life" apart from, and far beyond, the individual images which comprise them; and, finally...

5) "Photo-Projectives", which is based on the fact that the meaning of any photo is primarily created by its viewer during their process of viewing it (or taking or even just planning it!). A viewer's perceptions and reactions in response to looking at any kind of photographic image are actually projected by that viewer, from "inside" their own unconscious inner map of reality (which determines how they make sense of what they see). Therefore, this technique is located not in a particular kind of photograph, but rather in the less-tangible interface between a photo and its viewer (or maker), that "place" where each person forms their own unique responses to what they see (reflecting both phenomenological and existential theory).

original content is here

credit to the writer,

Judy Weiser , Director

PhotoTherapy Center


today i did a whole back up photos from my sweet i phone

to my flickr...i just select them all with out thinking

and i realize i got pretty spontaneous photos

i actually try to heal my mind thinking about my broken camera

that take a lot of pretty photos

but hey, i still have mine

very low resolution with better fun expressions

sometime i just take my i phone and snap almost at anything interesting

i got bunch of photo editing application...

going to fill in 4 folders in the i phone

hahaha freaked gizmo !

let me list down the i phone photo editing applications and review some of them later :


Photo Mess

Fun Camera




Kiwi Camera



A Sunset

Pro Snap Lite










Retro Camera




Photo Booth


Pudding Camera



oh sleepy

see you again

enjoy ! enjoy photo therapy

less stress

xoxo !